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Takuji Hamanaka

Talking with artist and printmaker Takuji Hamanaka about his hybrid woodcut and collage works: radical displacements from his training in traditional Japanese woodblock printmaking.

Chrome Green

Nature is not betrayed by the artists included in Chrome Green at Chicago’s Heaven Gallery.

Breaking the System: An Interview with Kristan Kennedy

Kristan Kennedy talks with us about making paintings that may be more at home draped on a chair than hung on a wall, being an artist in Portland, Oregon, and how Miley Cyrus makes great road trip music.

Take This Quiz

Kristan Kennedy, Rebekka Moran, Adam Forrester, Kreh Mellick, and Jason Polan respond to our sensibility quiz composed from questions stolen from contemporary poems.

Exquisite Syntropy

“Honestly, I’m happy my duties end at unlocking doors and making sure nobody headbutts the Motherwell.” Photographer Bucky Miller talks with us about his day-job as a guard at a museum, collaboration, installation, and making the photographic sequence.

Terrestrial Transmissions

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Tuning to the role of the feminine in science fictions, Lydia Moyer curated Terrestrial Transmissions, an exhibition featuring video work by six artists, all women, broadcasting here.


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