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PoetryJuly 18, 2021

Cicada Meditation

“the most isolated / simply settled anywhere, everywhere / else, making grass blades into cat tails, / sifting into the henhouse / like aliens hatched out of the blond / nesting boxes, / and infesting the feed, live mines. / They passed through our farm cats / almost whole.” A new poem from Chad Parmenter reckons with a legacy of fear and violence and alienation and faith that makes the past “less / a place than a crumpled map / where the coordinates wander.”

PoetryNovember 13, 2018

The Poem That Won’t Leave You Alone, Volume 2

Featuring Chad Parmenter on Shakespeare; Jay Deshpande on Lucie Brock-Broido; Ricky Varghese on Akhil Katyal; Deanna Dikeman on Longfellow; Craig Santos Perez on Gina Myers; Chad Davidson on Craig Raine; Steve Castro on Vallejo; and Jonathan Farmer on Yeats.

PoetryApril 9, 2017

The Poem That Won’t Leave You Alone

Chad Parmenter, Sumita Chakraborty, Roger Sederat, Alexandra Socarides, Katy Didden, Matthew Cooperman, Alfred Corn, Jennifer Perrine, V. Penelope Pelizzon, and Victoria Chang on poems that will not go away.

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