Everything elseNovember 2, 2016

Bill Durgin

Bill Durgin talks with Darren Ching and Debra Klomp Ching about his creative process and inspiration for the Studio Fantasy series of photographs.

ArtJanuary 18, 2016

Takuji Hamanaka

Talking with artist and printmaker Takuji Hamanaka about his hybrid woodcut and collage works: radical displacements from his training in traditional Japanese woodblock printmaking.

ArtSeptember 7, 2015

Chrome Green

Nature is not betrayed by the artists included in Chrome Green at Chicago’s Heaven Gallery.

Everything elseJuly 1, 2015

Peter Croteau

Image of Peter Croteau takes us on a journey through the sublime landscapes of his Mountains series in his interview with Darren Ching and Debra Klomp Ching.

Everything elseJune 25, 2015

Chang Kyun Kim

Image of Chang Kyun Kim discusses, with Darren Ching and Debra Klomp Ching, the detailed thinking and meticulous construction employed in making his Before Or After The Memory series.

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Everything elseDecember 15, 2014

Never So Much Seething: Twenty-Five Liner Notes and a Poem for Fugazi

A look back at youth and Fugazi by Philip Metres.

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Everything elseNovember 2, 2014

Scrawl–Punk Rock for Grown-Ups: A Retrospective

“. . . the history of women making rock music is a history of women finding ways to give those qualities feminist ends: ‘Rebel Girl, you are the queen of my world.'” Stephen Burt looks back at the grown-up punk of Ohio’s Scrawl.

Everything elseSeptember 16, 2014

Notes for a One-Man-Show: An Interview with Chad VanGaalen

“…so then I just pull the cap off my marker and start to draw so that’s what I’ve kinda been focusing on lately. At the end of the day I get a lot of ideas from my drawings for sure, for music, at least.” Musician and visual artist Chad VanGaalen talks pedal steel guitars and cartoons with At Length Magazine.

ArtApril 28, 2014

Breaking the System: An Interview with Kristan Kennedy

Kristan Kennedy talks with us about making paintings that may be more at home draped on a chair than hung on a wall, being an artist in Portland, Oregon, and how Miley Cyrus makes great road trip music.

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Everything elseMarch 10, 2014

Albums At Length: Death Cab for Cutie’s Transatlanticism: 10th Anniversary Edition

“Being a wordsmith has its own particular baggage that is perhaps a bit different from other avenues of artistic expression. Even a visual artist has the choice to go beyond representation, but most writers, to some degree, must rely on narrative.” Eric Gansworth looks back ten years after Death Cab for Cutie’s break-out album, Transatlanticism.

ArtFebruary 25, 2014

Take This Quiz

Kristan Kennedy, Rebekka Moran, Adam Forrester, Kreh Mellick, and Jason Polan respond to our sensibility quiz composed from questions stolen from contemporary poems.

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Everything elseJanuary 6, 2014

Albums At Length: Shearwater’s Fellow Travelers

“Probably every artist—no matter their art—has a moment of wondering what they can bring to the world that is new. The ultimate criterion for artistic genius seems to be originality. But as one of my friends said, ‘Nobody gives a bloke a hard time for recording Mozart, do they?'” Ayse Papatya Bucak kicks off our Albums At Length series with a look at Shearwater’s Fellow Travelers.

ArtDecember 3, 2013

Exquisite Syntropy

“Honestly, I’m happy my duties end at unlocking doors and making sure nobody headbutts the Motherwell.” Photographer Bucky Miller talks with us about his day-job as a guard at a museum, collaboration, installation, and making the photographic sequence.

Everything elseNovember 19, 2013

Maxine Helfman

Image of Maxine Helfman‘s series of photographs challenge our fashion and gender role assumptions in a candid talk with Darren Ching and Debra Klomp Ching.

ArtOctober 7, 2013

Narwhals, Salt and Fractals

Using photography as a point of departure, Christine Nguyen cuts, layers, draws, sprays and crystallizes, making both objects and works on paper that revel in a sense of discovery.

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